When living paycheck to paycheck, it’s understandable to question the necessity of additional life insurance beyond what your employer provides. However, there are several reasons why having your own policy is important:
Job Dependency: Your employer’s life insurance is tied to your job. If you change jobs, become unemployed, or retire, you could lose that coverage.
Control Over Policy: A personal life insurance policy gives you control over the coverage amount and terms, ensuring that it aligns with your family’s specific needs.
Financial Security: If anyone relies on your income, experts recommend having a death benefit of at least 10 to 15 times your income. This is significantly more than what an employer-sponsored plan typically offers.
While it may seem like an additional expense, the long-term benefits of having a personal life insurance policy can provide essential financial security for your family. It’s worth considering, especially if you’re the primary breadwinner or have significant financial obligations.